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 School: VITAsat Telecommunications Network xxxx
 Select below: 16 Quests
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 School Admin: Africa Manager

The outline below follows the DRAFT CONCEPT OUTLINE reviewed on 05/18/00. Each outline item contains one or more tasks as per the DRAFT CONCEPT OUTLINE. This format may be ackward with regard to completing the Executive Summary, but I believe it will be helpful with regard the final agreement and business plan development. Please note that the first two tasks are for the final product and to facilitate communications between all parties.

INSTRUCTIONS: Click on the outline item below and review tasks. Submit your draft statements as a report. To submit a report, click on the "Create a new Report" prompt at the top left menu selection at the Task level. Call me at 802.685.3450 if you have questions.

NOTE: The following Tasks have posted reports:
(The Task ID letters link directly to the Reports.)

Quest 002, Task(s) A, C, D
Quest 003, Task(s) A, C
Quest 004, Task(s) A - D (Combined)
Quest 005, Task(s) A, B
Quest 006, None
Quest 007, Task(s) A & C (Combined), B, E
Quest 008, Task(s) A
Quest 009, Task(s) A & B (Combined)
Quest 010, Task(s) C, E, F-1, F-2, F-3
Quest 011, Task(s) A, B-1, B-2, C-1, C-2
Quest 012, Task(s) B

Q#Quest (#tasks)DateQuest Author
000 Executive Summary (2) 5/18/2000Africa Manager
000 Communications (0) 5/18/2000Africa Manager
000 General Comments (1) 5/24/2000Africa Manager
001 Objective of the Agreement (3) 5/18/2000Africa Manager
002 Background (5) 5/18/2000Africa Manager
003 Key Participants (4) 5/18/2000Africa Manager
004 Structure of the Joint Venture (4) 5/18/2000Africa Manager
005 Marketing to Secular and Faith-Based Humanitarian Organizations (4) 5/18/2000Africa Manager
006 Satellite Communication Operations (1) 5/18/2000Africa Manager
007 Site Installation and Operations (5) 5/18/2000Africa Manager
008 Social Impact (5) 5/18/2000Africa Manager
009 Schedule (2) 5/18/2000Africa Manager
010 Funding Requirements (6) 5/18/2000Africa Manager
011 Investor Return (3) 5/18/2000Africa Manager
012 Opportunities & Risks (2) 5/18/2000Africa Manager
013 Conclusion (1) 5/18/2000Africa Manager

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