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 School: Model School: Individual Student Roles • Quest 3: Policy Analyst
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 Task 1: Exploring Incentives • Due Date: 12/1/1998
"In late 1995, the U.S. Department of Energy initiated a new program through the Interstate Renewable Energy Council to survey each of the 50 states for available information on financial and regulatory
incentives that are designed to promote the application of renewable energy technologies. This information is being developed into a database, reports prepared and printed which detail the incentives on a state-by-state basis, and access provided to much of the database via the Internet. By providing
this information on a wide basis, it will be much easier for other states to get the information needed to analyze and replicate successful incentives in their own states."1

The policy analyst will review current legislative initiatives to encourage the development of solar energy in their state. Compare what incentives are offered for solar and those offered for other forms of alternative energy production. What types of incentives were found in your state? How do these incentives compare to the incentives offered in states that border yours? How helpful would these incentives be to the consumer for installing alternative energy production on their house or school? What can you as an individual do to improve the incentives offered for alternative energy production?

State Finanical Incentives Table

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