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 School: EcoSage Project Management • Quest G.007: SolarQuest Sales
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 Task GS-3: University of New Mexico Proposal - 1/20/99 • Due Date: 1/20/1999

From: Allan Baer
To: Tina Patel
Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Proposed Program
Telephone: 505.277.5058
Fax: 505.277.7113

EcoSage Corporation is seeking an established Business-Education Partnership consisting of a public utility, a post-secondary institution, and a school district to collaborate on the development, construction, and maintenance of a mobile, multi-purpose community center for the benefit of a remote (off the electrical grid) Native American village in the U.S.

EcoSage Corporation will provide technical assistance---project specifications, curriculum development, in-service training for teachers, project management, etc.---and fundraising support for the construction and on-going maintenance of the unit. Technical assistance and fundraising support will be provided in collaboration with EcoSage proposed program partners: GreenStar Foundation, The U.S. Department of Energy, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, A-S-E Americas, Global Connections, and the United Nations Development Programme.

Program start-up, primarily project planning and fund raising, will commence upon the signing of a non-binding Letter of Intent. The program is intended to be a multi-year project and include the participation of k-12 students. The community center will focus on medical services, improved education, and economic development.

The program will be developed and implemented in the following stages:

1) Winter 99: Project Planning and Business-Education Partnership Development; Fundraising; Curriculum Development; Identification of Native American Village.

2) Spring 99: Construction Plans; Professional Development for Teachers; Curriculum Implementation.

3) Summer 99: Construction of Community Center; Training of village support staff.

4) Fall 99: Deployment, Unit service, and Program Evaluation.

The EcoSage program partners referenced above have identified potential funding resources for this project. Consequently the decision has been made to identify an established business-education partnership that will collaborate with the prototype unit construction on a fast-track timeline. Our intention is to bring the unit to a planned national conference in which the program and the unit would be presented to 50 major U.S. corporations for multiple project funding. The conference is tentatively scheduled for October 99 and 25 U.S. corporations are scheduled to participate as of this date.

Unit Specifications: The mobile unit will be approximately 8’ wide and 20’ long. A 4 kilowatt photovoltaic sytems will be installed on the roof. The unit will have a remote communications capability and five networked computers. The functional features of the unit will include cold storage for medicine, internet communications, water purification, media support for education, and office facilities.

Construction: The vocational technical program building the unit will construct and install all component systems, including community center structure, HVAC systems, electrical components---photovoltaic systems and electronic communications equipment, and all sub-systems.

Support: An on-going, business education community will support the field operations of the unit. This will include professional development for teachers, distance learning programs, telemedicine, and community economic development.

This is a brief outline of the concept and our proposed plans. I would like to provide additional information early next week. This additional information would be presented on the SolarQuest Virtual Schoolhouse for those with Internet access. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information for your meeting. I will be available by telephone at 802/685-3450 or 802/685-3009.

Thank you for you interest in the project.


 Reports posted for this Task:
 FEB11_99 by Justin Z.

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