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 School: EcoSage Project Management • Quest G.007: SolarQuest Sales
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 Task TM-1: National Town Meeting for a Sustainable America 2/3/99 • Due Date: 2/3/1999
The following is a summary of a conversation with Karina Ricks, written by her and emailed to coordinators of the Town Meeting. Karina works at the U.S.Enivronmental Protection Agency.

From: []
Cc: Allan Baer;

Subject: Educational Contacts for NTM
Sent: 2/2/99 1:06 PM
Importance: Normal
Greetings all,

I just had a very good conversation with Allen Baer from Solar Quest in Vermont.
His organization would like to assist the National Town Meeting in reaching out
to a number of educational sites across the country. We discussed ways in which
Solar Quest might be able to carry a web cast of the plenary sessions and
certain learning sessions into the classrooms where they already have a number
of contacts. In addition, he had a number of ideas of ways to make the program
more interactive (via the Internet) for classrooms across the country. I
suggested that he discuss this further with both Stuart and Monica.

Among the resources he has to offer is a 17,000 person database of high school
environmental clubs across the country that we may be able to tap into to
organize concurrent events around the National Town Meeting. He further
suggested working with National Scholastic and "My Weekly Reader" to inform
educators about lessons they may host using the NTM as a resource in their

Additionally, he recommended contacting the 82 educational institutions that
received Technology Innovation Challenge Grants from the Department of
Education. These are large grants ($100 million over 5 years) that should make
these institutions capable of receiving the NTM broadcast and participating in
any interactive forum.

These are interesting suggestions that we may want to look into further. I have
suggested that Mr. Baer discuss them with the coordinators at GETF and see what
logistical coordination can be made. Mr. Baer can be reached at:

Allen Baer
ph. 802-685-3450


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