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 School: National Town Meeting • Quest 000: Administrative Information re NTM
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 Task 011: Youth Roundtable Status 3/18/99 • Due Date: 3/23/1999

From: Chaitovitz, Chuck []
To: 'David Carrier '; Allan Baer; Ronald B. Swenson; Chaitovitz, Chuck; Ellis, Monica; Claggett, Stuart; ' '
Cc: James Pittman

Subject: RE: youth roundtable status
Sent: 3/18/99 3:57 PM
Importance: Normal

While we do not want to hold up the process, it is a good point that the NPC and the Education Committee should be consulted. I will bring it to Stuart, Hank, and Monica's attention. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Carrier
Sent: 3/18/99 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: youth roundtable status

Thanks, Chuck. Nominations and essays are coming in by fax and E-mail. Those on E mail are the easiest to forward and I will do so tomorrow. The rest I will fax to all of you. I have fax numbers for GETF (703-750-6506) and David Pines (301-468-9612) but don't have any others. Can you send me your fax numbers today?

If you have received nominations or essays at your organization, please forward them to the entire planning committee, either by Email or fax, tomorrow morning.

Here are suggested selection criteria for judging nominations (this is not an exclusive list, just a framework):

1. Demonstrated commitment to the values and goals defined in the President*s Council on Sustainability *Goals* statement.

2. Demonstrated ability to conceptualize concepts and ideas to achieve sustainability.

3. A clear articulation of their proposed participation in the Youth Roundtable at the National Town Meeting.

4. A definitive plan of action for communicating their experiences as a youth delegate to the National Town Meeting.

I have only received 6 nominations and essays so far so we may not have that much of a challenge in selecting the Youth Roundtable! In fact, we may have to do some additional personal recruiting.

I have a question for GETF: does the National Planning Committee know about the Youth Roundtable and have they had the opportunity to nominate youth? What about the Education Committee?



David Carrier
Youth-Corporate Connections
National 4-H Council
7100 Connecticut Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
(301)961-2894 (fax)
Going Places, Making Choices Website:

>>> "Chaitovitz, Chuck" 03/17/99 12:58PM >>>

David and I talked today to try to pin down where we are on our outstanding issues with the youth roundtable.

1. We have selected an adult moderator -- Scott Shuster from BusinessWeek. You can see more info on him at Details to be worked out by March
30th. His needs and guidance for the panel were

1)make sure that the youth do not meet as a group prior to the panel;

2)bios from each participant;

3)an agenda outlining the substance; and

4) he needs to talk with GETF logistics folks about the layout of the panel and other such issues.

2. We still need to select a youth moderator -- not an advocate but a leader on these issues to play a leadership role on the panel. We will run this by Shuster to make sure he is okay with this. Any ideas?

3. 4 completed applications have been received. David is aware of approximately 30 more that pending.

4. Selection via e-mail over the weekend with final outcomes determined by Monday.

5. Youth will be contacted via e-mail, fax, and phone call on Monday and Tuesday. This will be done by 4H and SolarQuest.

6. 4H will have three staff at the NTM that can help out with Chaperoning. SolarQuest will have two folks there as well. All have
other responsibilities, so can not cover the youth for the duration. Need an additional chaperon... David inquired whether GETF could provide help. We will also encourage parents to attend at their own cost to help out with chaperoning. David mentioned that sometimes 4H discourages parental attendence to ensure that the youth shine on their own.

7. 4H and SolarQuest will develop the standardized forms necssary.

8. We need to work out the travel logistics. GETF can provide guidance regarding potential scenarios for transportation and hotels subsequent to youth selection.

9. We need to develop an agenda. David suggested getting input from the selected youth. We should have this put together by March 30th to discuss it with Scott Shuster.

If anyone can think of something that I missed, please let me know.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Carrier
Sent: 3/8/99 1:43 PM
Subject: Youth Delegate Activities

Allan Baer asked me to forward this to all of you. I think it is a great way to keep the youth involved and engaged during the entire National Town Meeting.



To: The National Town Meeting Youth Roundtable Planning Committee
Re: Youth Delegate Activities

EcoSage Corporation proposes that the delegates to the National Town
(NTM) Youth Roundtable officially serve as SolarQuest I-NewNews Team news
correspondents with two primary roles:

1. To voice the concerns of American youth by participating in a series of youth informational meetings or "briefings" where NTM attendees from local area schools will have the opportunity to meet and exchange information with the youth delegates; the delegates present issues identified at these briefings to the discussion at the Youth Roundtable; and

2. To serve develop and publish news stories on the SolarQuest web site to inform American students on issues concerning sustainable development presented at the NTM, including such issues as may be presented in NTM programs, exhibits, and activities.

To support the above roles of the youth delegates to the NTM, EcoSage Corporation proposes the following support services in collaboration with GETF and the National 4-H Council:

A. Informational Meeting Support:

1. A briefing room where youth delegates can meet with NTM youth attendees from local area schools. Youth delegates will staff the briefing room on a rotational basis, providing NTM youth attendees with the opportunity to have their concerns represented at the NTM Youth Roundtable. (Pending EcoSage Corporation's proposed NTM sponsorship, the briefing room may be web cast to school across America.)

2. A news release to schools across America to solicit student participation in the NTM by submitting issues, concerns, suggestions, and/or "vision statements" to the youth delegates. Regular briefings on issues, concerns, suggestions, and/or "vision statements" published on the SolarQuest schoolhouse.

3. Outreach to Detroit area schools to send a delegation to the NTM to meet with youth delegates.

4. Access to Internet services in order to create a collaborative work environment to facilitate communication between youth delegates and NTM participants in the SolarQuest Virtual Schoolhouse, addressing NTM Goals, Themes, and Strategies for a Sustainable America.

B. News Service Support:

1. An I-NetNews Team news service School in the SolarQuest Virtual Schoolhouse to publish news stories developed by the youth delegates. EcoSage Corporation will provide on-site technical support to the youth delegates.

2. An I-NetNews Team orientation meeting for youth delegates on the day prior to the beginning of the NTM. The orientation meeting will provide instruction on the use of the SolarQuest Virtual Schoolhouse and basic journalism skills.

3. A dedicated Internet communications area or "pressroom" for the I-NetNews Team at the NTM exhibit hall. The pressroom will provide editorial staff to assist youth delegates as required, including editorial services.

EcoSage Corporation, in addition to the above services, will provide the supervision of youth delegates at the NTM exhibit hall and related events to facilitate the above. The time management of youth delegates will allow for an equal distribution of responsibilities as both youth delegates and I-NetNews Team correspondents, with ample "free-time" to explore the NTM programs, activities and to network with NTM attendees.

Submitted March 8, 1999
Allan E. Baer
EcoSage Corporation


2 p.m. March 10, 1999
Washington D.C.

Empower the Voices of American Students

at the

National Town Meeting for a Sustainable America.

Is sustainability an area of study in your local school science, math, history, social studies, or government classes? Here is an ideal opportunity to introduce students to this important interdisciplinary field of study:

The President's Council on Sustainable Development and the Global Environment and Technology Foundation will be co-sponsoring a National Town Meeting for a Sustainable America in Detroit, Michigan, on May 2 - 5,
1999. The National Town Meeting will focus on the Goals, Themes, and Strategies necessary for America to make the transformation to a sustainable society as we enter the 21st Century. The program will feature over 100 educational programs, highlight best practices, and present case studies of communities throughout the nation working to achieve sustainability. Students from schools across the nation are presenting and participating in many of
the workshops.

"How can students voices be heard?"

From 8:30 to 10:00 on the morning of May 2, 1999, the National Town Meeting will feature a Youth Roundtable consisting of twenty leaders ages 12 - 18 that have demonstrated commitment to the values defined in the President's Council on Sustainable Development "Goals" statement. The Youth Roundtable delegates will be nominated by leading national youth organizations and selected by a panel of judges. The delegates will represent America's youth at this important gathering of leaders in government, industry, and education. On March 22, 1999, biographies of selected youth delegates will be posted to the SolarQuest web site, and students across America can begin a dialogue with the delegates or post their vision of sustainability to the SolarQuest Virtual Schoolhouse. The delegates will bring students' concerns to the National Town Meeting.

"How can schools participate?"

The are several ways schools can participate in the National Town Meeting. As a class teacher, parent, or volunteer, you can introduce National Town Meeting as an activity and have students write about their vision of sustainability and related topics. You can get many suggestions
from the SolarQuest National Town Meeting curriculum at You can encourage students to post their comments or raise their concerns to the Youth Roundtable delegates. Individual schools may also participate in the National Town Meeting by holding an affiliated or concurrent event
and publish the event proceedings on the SolarQuest web site. For additional information, please visit the home page of the SolarQuest homepage at:

"Where can I find out about curriculum on sustainability for my classroom?"

The SolarQuest Virtual Schoolhouse---a National Town Meeting Affiliated Event---is now offered by EcoSage Corporation. The curriculum is free and provides resources to schools who would like to follow the National Town Meeting, including affiliated and concurrent events. Join us in the "Journey to Detroit," and empower the nation's students to create a sustainable vision for America!

For more information, visit the SolarQuest web site at: The I-NetNews Team is a student-centered, project-based SolarQuest news service.

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