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 Task 002 - 05/17/00: To David Palmer re PGS unit • Due Date: 5/17/2000


Gary suggested that I contact you directly about the ground terminal for the NACRE / SolarQuest project in South Africa or Uganda, as he is currently working in NYC for the next two weeks.

I am forwarding this email to you in the hopes that it may be possible to expedite the delivery of a PGS unit. Please forward to me the status of you production schedule or let me know if you have one "on-the-shelf." Our request is to have a unit similar to what you just shipped for Barry Moser in Tanzania. We desire a unit that can be hooked up to a computer. Gary indicated that you would leave out the Psion unit and he would install WISP software. In either location---Uganda or Tanzania---the unit installed in tandem with a desktop computer. Gary asked me to forward to you the VITA purchase proposal given to NACRE for the PGS unit. Please visit the following site address to obtain the proposal:

Please note that you will need an ID and Password to get to the link, as this is a private project management site. Use the following:

ID = aeb
PASSWORD = aeslehc

Feel free to look around the site to become more familiar with our project. Currently, we are working out a program with VITA to deploy a large number of units in church mission service centers around the world. Given your focus, I hope you may somehow become involved.

Also, I may be attending the ICCM conference where you will be demonstrating the PGS unit. I will confirm with you if I do plan to attend. My plans are contingent upon licensing for the PGS unit and delivery. Given the many obstacles regarding licensing, I will most likely be attending the conference. Gary has suggested that I deliver the unit that you plan to exchange with VITA.

I look forward to your response in this matter.

Allan Baer

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