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School: People Making Connections • Quest 01: Contact • Task 01: Press Release
updated 8/8/2003 3:28:00 PM by Bob E.
Report: Earth Repair
Forest Restoration

The summer of 2002, a colleague and I decided to do some hands on research to see if we could develop
a low tech, hands on and inexpensive method for restoring clear cuts. Clear cuttting is fairly common
here and restoration is no simple task. An aquaintance is the owner of 160 acres about an hour from the
City. The land had been clear cut some years back. He gave us permission to conduct our research on the
property. The first step was site observation over several months. We needed to know what was
growing there besides the few remaining trees.

I also began the process of understanding the Boreal Forest This is an ongoing activity as the complexity
of ecosystems is immense and it is quite possible that we will never know all the connections that exist
or completely understand the relationships.

One technique we were determined to use was seedballs.

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