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School: US / Africa Energy Ministers Conference • Quest 03: Introductions, Preparation and Evaluation (Reporters) • Task 03: Questions for the Energy Ministers
updated 12/8/1999 3:06:00 AM by Titi O.
Report: Questions
1. With the history of government sanctioned environmental injustice in eastern Nigeria, what is being done by the new government to ensure that companies, such as shell, do not exploit natural resources at the expense of the lives of local residents?
2. Nigeria has massive potential for Hydroelectric power through the rivers Niger and Buenue, so what plans does the government have to fully exploit them?
3. Are there any plans to privatize the provision of electricity and other forms of energy, so as to create competition, and therefore increase quality?
4.What steps are being taken to make African countries generally more self reliant, thereby creating a positive balance of trade which will increase their Gross National Product.

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