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School: US / Africa Energy Ministers Conference • Quest 03: Introductions, Preparation and Evaluation (Reporters) • Task 01: Introducing the iNet News Team Members
updated 12/15/1999 2:07:00 PM by Mitchell M.
Report: My Bio
Mitchell Mock, a native Baltimorean, is a senior at Coppin State College in Baltimore, Maryland. He is majoring in Applied Psychology and Rehabilitation Counseling, and is the President of the Psi Chi Honor Society.

Mr. Mock has a 3.5 GPA, and is a multi Deans’ List student. Instructors at Coppin applaud Mr. Mock’s skills in the role of student instructor. He also is an enthusiastic, hard working student. His future plans are to continue his education and ultimately earn a doctorate degree in Psychology.

He is a humanistic individual always willing to assist everyone. While at Coppin State College he performed at the White House with the Coppin Singers, and is currently serving as co-editor of the Coppin 2000 Yearbook.

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