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School: US / Africa Energy Ministers Conference • Quest 03: Introductions, Preparation and Evaluation (Reporters) • Task 02: iNet News Team Vision and Commentaries
updated 12/9/1999 2:27:00 PM by Carsceal Turner
Report: Goals for the Carsceal M. Turner
As writers and reporters, our first duty is to the public. I believe that the students chosen for this confererence must relay everything that is learned in a way that the average person can understand. We must produce stories and articles that will capture interest and keep it while at the same time educating people on the relevance of a conference such as this.
Everyone involved has more than ample reporting experience so this should not be a problem at all. The main thing to me is to convey this conference so that everyone can understand its significance.


I am looking forward to learning about the significance that you can derive from the conference. Your comments suggest that it will be very worthwhile for others to read what you have to say.

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