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 School: National Town Meeting
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 Quest 001: Goal 1: Health and the Environment -- Revisions

1. Review the tasks below for suggested changes.

2. Submit a report when the changes are complete.

3. Changes will be reviewed after reports are submitted.

4. If additional changes are required per task, resubmit report.

5. Please date original reports and all resubmittals.

6. Please do not delete any information in a report or resubmittal.

Tasks for this Quest (#reports)
001 Identify PSCD (3)
002 Identify NTM with Logo (1)
003 Task 5 Suggestion (1)
004 Task G.001.3 (1)
005 Task G.001.6 (1)
Students/Reporters registered for this Quest • Alan H. • James P. • Justin Z.
Quest Author: Allan Baer Location: SQUIRE Begin Date: 3/5/1999 • End Date: 3/9/1999
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