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School: National Town Meeting • Quest 001: Goal 1: Health and the Environment -- Revisions • Task 005: Task G.001.6
updated 3/23/1999 9:59:00 AM by Alan H.
Report: 3-23-99
I have tried to get to infinate power and I get a message saing forbiden... Is the linked address correct? Is ther another way to get into their site.

I was of the understanding that we were to get all of the quests up and running before we go and design any curriculum to throw in there. I was just looking for links to already existing activities and curriculum on the net. If this has changed let me know and I will start designing activities for the NTM school.

No changes. Lets keep moving ahead. I am just going through all the Quests and Tasks in sequence. You can just come back to this review process later.

4/1/99 Seems like this report never got published. Sorry!

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